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Home>>Smoking and Dental Care

Smoking and Dental Care

If you are a smoker, your dental care needs are considerably more demanding than those of a non-smoker. In fact, cigarette smoking is a leading cause of tooth loss. Smoking also increases your risk for periodontal disease (gum disease), loss of bone structure, inflammation of the salivary gland, leukoplakia (precancerous condition) and development of lung, throat or oral cancer.

In addition to the critical risks mentioned above, other factors for smokers to consider include:

  • A consistent build up of plaque and tartar.
  • Stained teeth.
  • Bad breath.
  • The loss of taste and smell.
  • Furthermore, smoking is associated with a slower healing process following dental work, and a lower rate of success for procedures such as dental implants. In fact, smokers may not be implant candidates at all.

Oral Health Tips for Smokers

Schedule an exam with your physician to identify the right smoking cessation program. Enquire about a counseling service, nicotine patch or gum, nasal inhalers and sprays or non-nicotine prescription medications.

Schedule a professional dental cleaning and oral health checkup. Inform your dentist that you are a smoker and ask to be screened for periodontal disease and other smoking-related conditions.

Be certain to maintain a proper dental hygiene home program. Smokers have special dental hygiene needs. For example, smokers usually require professional cleaning more often than non-smokers. Treat yourself to a new tongue cleaner, dental floss and mouthwash.

Initiate a stress reduction program such as an exercise regimen, Pilates or a yoga class.

Smoking and Chewing Tobacco can cause Oral Cancer, so please don't.

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Get In Touch

Thangam Dental Clinic
52/91 P.S.sivaswami Salai,
Mylapore, Chennai.
Landmark: Near Classic Restaurant
Pincode: 600004
For Appointment :
+91 - 44 - 24981089
+91 - 9444028540